
School for Environmental and Social Studies (Anthroposchool) is a newly made interdisciplinary institute within the structure of the University of Tyumen (Tyumen State University). Most of Athroposchool’s activities are based on the idea that only knowledge that combines the approaches of the natural sciences and the humanities can respond to modern global environmental challenges.

Following the mentioned principle, all researchers of Anthroposchool set themselves the ambitious task of making the world experience of human and environmental studies the core of the scientific, educational and social activities of the university. Gained results are embodied in new educational products, research and socio-cultural projects.
Educational programs
Bachelor Degrees
Master and Postgraduate Degrees
1. Master’s program “Ecological Policy. Social and Environmental Risk Management” involves building a professional trajectory in the following areas: corporate environmental management, media sphere and mass media, state environmental services.
2. Bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate studies are implemented within the framework of the 2+2+2+2 educational model, which allows students to choose their own educational track.
Scientific Expeditions
Anthroposchool is the organizer and participant of scientific expeditions in the following areas:
Scientific problems we research: thawing of permafrost, spread of plague, environmental conflicts, destruction of infrastructure.
Highlands Altai Mountains
Scientific problems we research: anthropogenic load, technogenic problems, illegal mining, social and environmental tensions.
Kuzbass Region
Scientific problems we research: Arctic cities of Russia, soil and water pollution, social and environmental risks of the coal mining industry.
Scientific Projects and Grants
Active grants and projects.
  • Megagrant of the Government of the Russian Federation, 2021-2023
    “Man and the Changing Space of the Urals and Siberia”. (Leading Scientist: Mark Bassin)
  • Grant by Russian Scientific Foundation, 2022-2024
    “Political Practices of the Soviet Society in the 1920-s and 1960-s: a Comparative Aspect” (Lead by Rakov T.)
  • Grant by Russian Scientific Foundation, 2022-2024
    “Akademgorodok and Science Cities: a Comparative Aspect of the Late Soviet Cities of Science ” (Lead by M. Piskunov)
  • Grant by Russian Scientific Foundation, 2022-2024
    “Rationalization of Nature Management: Political Economy, Planning and Environmental Regulation of the Coal Industry 1965-1991” (Lead by R. Gilmintinov)
  • Grant by Russian Scientific Foundation, 2022-2022
    “The Fight Against Industrial Pollution and the Birth of Russian Environmental Policy 1873-1931” (Lead by A. Vinogradov)
  • Grant by Russian Scientific Foundation, 2020-2022
    “Imaginary Anthropocene: Production and Transfers of Environmental Knowledge in Western Siberia in the 20-21 centuries” (Managed by A. Sorokin, Leading Scientists: A. Bruno and O. Timofeeva)
  • Grant by Russian Scientific Foundation, 2020-2022
    “Institutional and Non-Institutional Rituals in the Structure of the Late Soviet Society (1956-1985)” (Managed by A. Fokin)
  • Grant by Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research
    “Intellectual Capital as a Driver for the Accelerated Development of the Tyumen Region: from Agrarian and Raw Material to Post-Industrial Development Model” (Managed by A. Sorokin)
  • Project
    “Mirror Laboratory in collaboration with The A.V. Poletaev Institute for Humanitarian Historical and Theoretical Research of High School of Economic: Late and Post Soviet Period: Values, Practices and Actors” (Managed by A. Fokin, A. Sorokin; Managed from HSE by B. Stepanov)
Completed Projects:
  • Grant by Russian Scientific Foundation, 2019-2021
    “Human Dimension of Transformation Processes in Russian Universities: Historical Experience, Trends and Responses to Modern Challenges” (Completed by A. Sorokin)
  • Grant by Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research and House of Human Science (France), 2019-2021
    “Development of Western Siberia in the 19th - Early 21st centuries: Social and Environmental Aspects” (Completed by A. Sorokin)
  • Grant by Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research, 2020-2022
    “Practices of Interaction of Authorities and Society in the Late Soviet Period (1956-1985)” (Completed by A. Fokin)

  • Grant by Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research, 2018-2020
    “The University Community of Western Siberia as a Basis of the Intellectual Capital of the Territory of the Socio-Cultural and Economic Modernization of the Country in the 19th -20th Centuries” (Completed by A. Sorokin)

  • Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for support for young Scientists - Candidates of Science, 2020-2021
    “The Third Role of the Universities of Western Siberia: Historical Dynamics, Problems and Responses to the Challenges of Modernity” (Completed by A. Sorokin)
  • Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for support for young Scientists - Candidates of Science, 2019-2020
    “Youth Vector of the Development of Science, Education and Innovation and its Contribution to the Development of the Intellectual Capital of Western Siberia, Domestic and World Science, Socio-Cultural and Economic Modernization of the Country in the 20th - early 21th centuries” (Completed by A. Sorokin)
  • Alexander Sorokin
    Director of School for Environmental and Social Studies (Anthroposchool), University of Tyumen Leading research fellow, laboratory of interdisciplinary space studies, University of Tyumen Dr. in History (candidate of historical sciences)
    SPIN-код: 3044-1111, AuthorID: 659462, ORCID 0000-0001-9219-2115
  • Andrey Vinogradov
    Candidate of historical sciences, senior researcher at the School for Environmental and Social Studies, University of Tyumen
    SPIN-код: 6384-0336, AuthorID: 738371, ORCID 0000-0003-2646-9723
  • Anastasia Gorelko
    Research laboratory assistant
  • Ekaterina Dubnitskaya
    SPIN-код: 2415-1830, AuthorID: 1133546
  • Ramina Abilova
    Associate Professor, Senior Researcher
    SPIN-код: 6800-8279, AuthorID: 848575, ORCID 0000-0001-9172-1177
  • Anastasia Savina
    Research laboratory assistant
  • Dmitriy Nechiporuk
    SPIN-код: 4770-7890, AuthorID: 1063424, ORCID 0000-0002-3913-5311
  • Mikhail Pisknunov
    Associate Professor, School for Environmental and Social Studies, Tyumen State University
    SPIN-код: 4252-4162, AuthorID: 875740, ORCID 0000-0003-3241-7356
  • Alexander Fokin
    Senior Research Fellow, Anthroposchool
    Department of History of Russia
    SPIN-код: 7974-0880, AuthorID: 632567, ORCID: 0000-0001-6637-9314
  • Sofia Scherbich
    Specialist, Tyumen State University, Faculty of History, Russian history, 1997
    SPIN-код: 8236-3876, AuthorID: 485972
  • Timofey Rakov
    Associate Professor, School for Environmental and Social Studies, Tyumen State University
    SPIN-код: 1297-6629, AuthorID: 1134263, ORCID: 0000-0003-2726-7939
  • Andrew Bruno
  • Daria Svirina
    Research laboratory assistant
    SPIN-код: 1482-5815, AuthorID: 1123385
  • Elvira Karpova
    Research laboratory assistant
    SPIN-код: 4819-7175, AuthorID: 659131
  • Stanislav Mazhinskiy
    Associate Professor PhD in History
    SPIN-код: 3916-2747, AuthorID: 742920, ORCID 0000-0002-3398-8559
  • Maxim Borisenko
    Senior Lecturer at Anthroposchool
    SPIN-код: 5398-5718, AuthorID: 982540, ORCID 0000-0001-5821-6689
  • Olga Ustyuzhantseva
    Senior Lecturer at Anthroposchool
    SPIN-код: 6953-6749, AuthorID: 733153, ORCID 0000-0003-3023-5428
  • Danila Valko
    Senior Research Fellow, Anthroposchool
    SPIN-код: 1646-0624, AuthorID: 635206, ORCID: 0000-0002-8058-7539